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Engineering Insurance

The Civil Works and Building Insurance covers the project from the signing of the contract, right through to completion of the works. Cover can also include the plant and equipment used for the work, as well as liability to Third Parties arising from the execution of the work.

2.4.1. Erection All Risks
Machinery Installation and Testing Insurance provides cover from the moment the machinery arrives on site, through to handover after testing. The cover may also be extended to include the plant and equipment used for the erection, as well as liability to Third Parties arising from the erection of the machinery.

2.4.2. Contractor All Risks
Contractor All Risks Insurance cover the object's damage or loss that being insured during construction period and maintenance period. The cover will be given also for third party liability during construction period. Example: road development, bridge, building, etc.

2.4.3. Machinery Breakdown
Machinery Breakdown Insurance, is designed to provide cover against unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage to the machinery by any cause subject to excepted risks. Machines are an integral part of all manufacturing and industrial units engaged in production of industrial/household goods.


These may be large industrial establishments or small and medium enterprises and any unexpected accident/breakdown to their critical machinery brings it to a standstill adversely affecting business and causing a financial strain towards repair or replacement of the affected machinery. The Machinery Breakdown Insurance offers coverage to your organization against these sudden unforeseen accidents/events
